Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday Thirteen
Thirteen Things....that have happened here since my last update. (not in any particular order)
1.) We're back from a wonderful visit in NC.
2.) Jessica finished up the 1st grade and will enter 2nd grade this fall.
3.) We adopted a shelter cat, named Saki. He is currently getting over an eye infection and getting used to having food at regular intervals.
4.) Susan's family (Mom, Sandy, Chelsea, Chris and Caroline) came up to visit from NC over the week of the 4th. We had a great visit and they spoiled me rotten by helping out with the kids and providing some respite and a LOT of laughs.
5.) My Mom must really love me, because she cleaned my stove. My stove, people.
6.) Chris took a motorcycle riding class, passed, and purchased a bike.
7.) Susan upped her dose of Lexapro.
8.) I lied when I said this wasn't in any particular order.
9.) Anna learned how to swing on the swingset all by her little self.
10.) Jessica enjoyed 2 weeks at the town's playground program.
11.) Susan finally got her brother to go kayaking with her. FINALLY, Betty.
12.) Anneliese is potty-trained (pull-ups only at night!)
13.) Jessica is now a twinkle-toes, too (she asked me to tell everyone this, lol - new light-up Tinker Bell sneakers...very important you know!!)
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