Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Little Overdue...

I can't believe it's March allready. If the first few months are any indication, it looks like 2008 is going to be a very quick year! I told myself I would do more blogging this year - it really helps me keep track of myself and my life - sort of like a diary. It's never an easy decision to decide what to include and keep out of it, but I figure what the heck - everyone that knows I have a blog knows me in some capacity. It's never been any secret that I can be a, lol.

Uhmmmm.....update, update, update. This is spurred by a recent email where the writer told me he checked my blog and there really wasn't anything, uhhh...

Okay - my favorite topic: My girls, of course. Jessica is EIGHT. Holy crap I am the mother of an eight-year-old. She is doing very well. She absolutely adores her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. M. Like all 2nd graders, she will jump through hoops for her teacher and not so much for Mommy. Jessica's interests are still closely aligned with the arts: music, arts & crafts. If Jessie can out her hands on it, it will be embellished, re-created, or simply hugged. She has a small army of beany-baby sized stuffed animals - mainly kittens and puppies. Each one gets showered with much attention and is fussed over. I am not sure whether we have a future artist or veterinarian on our hands. Either way, she is happy, active and 100% Little Girl.

Anneliese continues to make us laugh with her witty sense of humor. Just this morning I asked her if she'd like some Sunny-D with her breakfast. Her reply was a cheery, "Of course!" She tells Chris and I that we are her "best friends." When Daddy kids her too much she wants Mom, which is sweet (and keeping Chris' ego in check). She attends day care/preschool at the Y 3 days/week and likes it very much. No drop-pff struggles with Anna, knock on wood. She likes to color (very carefully, I might add) and recently has started writing her name (Anna).

Chris: getting over a cold where he's been coughing non-stop, especially at night. (Nyquil is a Godsend). He's feeling better and knowing him, he'll be back up to Energizer Bunny speed any time now. He recently signed on for a one-year commitment to the 102 CT National Guard "Govenor's Own" Band. Somehow he managed to find the perfect balance between the military (which he's dearly missed) and the trumpet. He's been happily doing Guard one weekend a month, playing with his Brass Quintet, wedding ceremonys, and patiently waiting for Spring to come so he can start riding his motorcycle again.

Me: Also (not-so-patiently) waiting for Spring so I can get my kayak dusted off. I like the winter months, but God it wears on me after a while. I've always been more prone to the bluesy ends of things (Manic and Sue are two things you'd rarely ever hear in the same sentence) and because of that winter can be brutal. It's been sunny the past few days and right now it's a balmy 35 degrees. At home I've been slowly reclaiming the house. I started working 3 days/week in October and with the holidays right after, the house needs some TLC. I like Spring projects. They're so optomistic. Work is fun (no, seriously, it is) and even the bad days aren't really bad, they're just irritating. Working with Cardiologists kind of jams that into perspective.

Some pictures:

Jessica and Chris the night of the Girl Scouts Sweetheart Dance

Anna wanted in on the fun as well

Well, hopefully I won't wait as long to post next time... :)