Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Day of School!

Here's my little lady all ready to go to the bus stop on her first day of 2nd grade! She was so excited last night to head back to school. As I was getting her out of the bathtub last night, she says, "Mom, can I have a hug and a kiss before bed tonight?" and I said, "Of course!" After she was all ready - teeth brushed, pj's on, clothes set out she came out to the family room, where I was picking up and she said (in the cutest. voice. ever. "I never forgot! Can I have a hug and kiss now?" to instantly melt my heart...

One more picture before walking to the bus stop. Can you tell our house gets a lot of sun in the morning?

This is a sort of jumble of a picture because the bus had *just* pulled up and the kids were all just wanting to make a break for it! Yes. Our eager learners. :)
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Anonymous said...

That's my little rocket scientist - thanks for sharing!
Uncle Dave & Uncle Matt

Kelly said...

Great pics, Susan!! :) She's adorable!

Anonymous said... cute. Caroline remembers the yellow top! I think it once was hers. I hope a good first day was had by all. Love, Sandy

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Susan, she's darling! (And you see how often I visit friends' blogs, that I'm just seeing first day of school pics when it's almost Christmas. LOL)