Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm here!

Okay, so by now, you're all well aware I can be quite a procrastinator. It starts with wanting to put my posts in order, and then spirals down from there. I have a boatload of pictures from San Diego (which was fabulous) as well at St. Louis (which was even MORE fabulous) and I have to say, March really was a wonderful month. San Diego was beautiful, restful and even a little adventurous (me - kayak - bike - all in one day - owie). Having some time alone with Chris was very much appreciated. We talked a lot and slept alot, LOL! (no Anna asking for cereal at 6:30am - there was no time for romantical crap here, folks, we're serious sleepers!!) The trip was just long enough - we were there for 4 days and by the end we were missing the kids. My sister in law Karen and friend Kelly were so great to take care of the girls for us - it was a great treat.
This was the view from our hotel room!

The beginning of the bike and kayak tour.

St. Louis - oh, my goodness. I still get all welled up when I think about this trip. I have belong to an online Mom's group since around January 2004 - right after I had Anneliese. Right around that time, I went through about 2 very intense years - a lot happened in a short amount of time, and this Mom's group was an integral part of me keeping my sanity and sense of humor in check. Well, a group of us got together over a long weekend (right before my birthday, how perfect was that?) and it was amazing. I mean, I knew everyone there was going to be nice, but holy toledo. There were about 18 of us there, and each and every single person was just amazing. I knew who everyone was from their online posts and pictures, and I never would have guessed even half of them knew me. (hee---they *did*) My roommates were the best (greetings to Heather, Cheri and Laura!) and every one - and I mean EVERYONE was super awseomely sweet, funny, intelligent, sassy and hysterically funny. It was a wonderful experince and it brought a dimension to the friendships that really just solidified the whole thing. We laughed, we shared stories about our kids, we drank, we acted like tourists, we cried, we ate, we drank some more, and basically laughed so hard I hurt for days. Plus Cheri gave me her "Popular when drunk" tshirt, although I am not sure I do it justice, LOL.
I have a ton of pictures, but here is one of the group on the last day with Jerry, bus driver extraordinaire.

March flew by with the travel - my goodness. My Dad arrived from NC just last week and we had Easter with my inlaws at Karen and Joe's house. Again, another really nice day. The girls adore - simply ADORE their cousins Julie and Taylor and Jessie and Anna were both really very good for the whole day. Anna was a little tired and sort of clingy, and then fell asleep on the couch. When she woke up I thought she felt a little warm - and my MIL, Jayne thought so too...and turns out we were right. Anna had a rough ride home in the car and our evening ended in the bathtub and a load of laundry. :( Monday she napped with Mom (who is always ready for a nap, lol) and today she seemed back to her normal self. (i.e., regular diet and activity).

Jessie is all ready to start spring soccer - we just got her all squared away with new soccer shoes and shin guards tonight. She is very, VERY excited! (I am, too!) This year her schedule is M/W from 5-6 and Saturdays from 9-10. Brownie days will be a little nuts, but I made sure that she has extra shorts, shirts and socks this year so we'll be prepared even if the laundry fairy slacks off some. Tomorrow is her first practice and she cannot wait.

::yawn:: Tomorrow I am also covering for a co-worker, so I should end the update here. I'm working W-F this week, and I am looking forward to it. I know it sounds corny, but after having done the temp work and hospital based work - I love love LOVE working in an office setting. Nuclear Cardiology is pretty freakin' cool. Talk about brushing the cobwebs out of the old grey matter - there is a lot to think about and keep up with, but I seriously love it.

Okay - someone named Anna is not too happy right now and it sounds like she needs Mom.