Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mother's Day Came Early

Here are my two Cutie Pies hanging out with my Mother's Day present. Not only did Chris provide the kayak, paddle and PFD, but then he really outdid himself when he packed a picnic dinner for us to go up to Crescent Lake so that I could take it out on the water for a bit.
Here are some pictures I took out on Crescent Lake! I was so excited. I did learn, however, that there really isn't a graceful way to either get in or out of a kayak. It's 9.5 ft Old Town Otter Sport - it's untippable, even for me. Crescent Lake the perfect place for me to practice paddling and get some exercise - it is close by (15-20 minutes away) and it's as flat as flat water can get. At one point the water was so still it looked like glass...absolutely wonderful and peaceful as anything. The best part is that the boat is small enough to just pop in the back of the minivan and I'm off - very easy and convenient.
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Laura said...

Yay Chris!! Good job on the gift!!!

Bethany said...

WOW! WOW! I had no idea you were into that. I had to go to the sporting goods store today and stopped by to visit the canoes. I always used to say "As soon as I get my own house, I'm going to get a canoe." I've been a homeowner for 9 years and no canoe yet. One day though! How cool that it fits in your minivan. Happy Mother's Day!

Lisa said...

That is awesome!!! As my niece used to say, "You are lucky and I am jealous!"

Christy said...

That is so awesome! What a terrific way to get some peace - paddling out on a lake. I hope that you have lots of time to use your kayak this year.