Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Karabin Farms

On Sunday we took advantage of the weather and brought Jessica and Anneliese to Karabin Farms to pick apples. This is our first time ever doing this and it was totally worth it. The ride to the picking area was in a big wagon hitched to a tractor and the girls loved it. We picked just over a pound of apples: Empire, Galas, and Jonathans. Sunday evening I made apple pie, and caramel covered apples. My two unwilling subjects.

Jessie, basically not cooperating, lol!

Anna kept picking apples off the ground and sneaking them into the basket.

There were several cats roaming around the property. This one was the youngest. The Mom cat was there also and she was a white calico with brown and black spots. She was pretty tiny, too and looked like a peanut butter cup.
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