Sunday, October 08, 2006

September Update

It's been a time of transition here, in more ways than one! September was busy. Jessica is doing well in school and I love having time with Anna during the day. My Dad is in NC and his relocation is complete. Since our weekends have been so busy (basement!) I've been a little lazy during my weekday mornings. We did a Tag Sale two Saturdays in a row and finally can say there is NO MORE tag sale pile. Ever. After a trip to the consignment shop, Goodwill and freecycle a lot of stuff is gone. And it feels great.

The girls have been good. Jessie is always full of suprises, but it's the nature of the game. She has had some rough patches this month and we're working on it. She's doing well in school and has made some freinds in our neighborhood, which is nice. Anna is growing in leaps and bounds and is mostly loads of fun. Both girls have developed a wacky sense of humor and in intense bond with each other.

The grown-ups are good, too! We're continuing to plug away on that basement and the first part is almost done. We wanted to have it done by Christmas and we're way ahead of schedule. Tomorrow the carpet gets installed, followed by some more electrical work, baseboards, and the door to the workshop (future office). We're hoping to move the furniture and toys next week. We'll end up with a family room, playroom, and craft area downstairs. Upstairs that will leave us with a TV-less living room (yay!!) and a dining room with an almost empty walk-in closet. Beautiful!

I have pictures to upload later this afternoon when it's a little bit more quiet around here.

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