Friday, January 19, 2007

Sick Day

Anneliese and I are home today - my little peanut is sick. She's been coughing for two nights straight and spiked a fever this morning. I feel so bad for her - she looks as miserable as she must feel (puffy eyes, rosy cheeks, stuffy nose, cough) and I feel bad for my co-workers who have to scramble in my absence. :::sigh::: I hate the feeling of the tug in either direction - home vs. work. It sucks and never seems to get any easier. My first job here in CT was a constant struggle between Jessica's ear infections and my calling in sick to work to care for her. My boss made no bones about it: frequent call-ins were a problem. Even though my current employer is much more understanding, I hate the feeling that I am letting them down and that they might be thinking I am unreliable. One look at Anna, though, and it feels right. She's vacillating between her beanbag chair and *me*. She wants to be held, snuggled, and comforted. Little things are upsetting to her today and she's just not herself.

Thank goodness for the weekend.

In other news:
*Anneliese is registered to start Nursery School next September!! She'll go Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Two of her friends will attend the same session but they will be in separate classes. They'll have play time together before the classes start, so I am glad she'll have her buddies there.

*Jessica will be 7 on the 27th of February. She had been wanting a Bowling party and has now decided she wants a Princess Party. For girls only. No boys. This stresses me somewhat, as she is hoping to have Arielle come to her party. Spiffy.
*The EIP (Early Intervention Program) process has been started for Jessie at school. She did well for the 1st half of the school year, but now that the pace and workload is stepping up, she's having a hard time keeping up with it. She's very easily frustrated and has a hard time concentrating in school. This is part and parcel for her issues she has with her mood disorder, so I can't say I am surprised. She'll have a team of teachers helping to devise a plan for her, and best of all, it will continue into 2nd grade. I wish this could have been easier for her; it's hard to see her struggle. She's such a bright kid - the knowledge is there, it's just a matter of unlocking it.
*It looks like 2007 is the Year of Travel For The Couple That Hardly Ever Goes ANYWHERE: The grown-ups are going to San Diego in March. It still hasn't sunk in yet - I've never been and cannot wait to go! I'm not really looking forward to flying...but, I am sure I'll get over it, lol. I am looking forward to checking about 3-4 novels out of the good 'ole Southington Public Library and loading music on my iPod for the flight. Chris is officially there to attend a conference for work but it will still be fun. Two weeks after that I am headed to St. Louis for a long weekend with my KIT friends. A weekend without husbands or children?! Heh, heh, heh. AND I just found out the Annual Society of Nuclear Medicine Meeting (the mother of all Nuclear Medicine meetings) is being held in WASHINGTON DC!!!!!!! Can we say FREAKIN' CHRISTMAS???!!!! Since I graduated in 1997, I cannot recall a meeting that was even held on the East Coast so I am beyond thrilled. I am hoping the dates will jive with my niece's Graduation (it's usually in June) and I might even get to see some old friends while earning some continuing education credits.

So, that's all that's new and exciting here in Mom and Muffin land. :)


cheribear said...

Hi there!! Just checking in on you and adding your blog to my links!

Christy said...

I hope that Anna is feeling better today. Priorities are hard sometimes, but you know when your children need you.

Laura said...

How are you guys feeling? Better I hope...